Meet the team
Alan Tudor FCA
Alan was an audit partner at Pannell Kerr Forster for over fifteen years before leaving them and setting up another practice, Southbank Business Group in 1991. Having wanting to continue utilizing his audit skills, Alan started up Tudor & Company in 1994 as a one day a week practice. Services and work quickly grew until Alan departed Southbank and concentrated on the audit practice. Non-audit services were quickly added and the practice outgrew its premises in the city and moved to Caulfield South in April 2008. Alan specializes in audit and business compliance services.
His interests outside of the accounting profession are his long standing involvement in the Brighton Cricket Club since 1957, Golf, table tennis, maintaining his wine collection and supporting the Demons in the AFL.
Alan Tudor FCA
Nam Fernando CPA
Nam joined Tudor & Company in July 2007 after 12 years with the Walt Disney Corporation. Before that he spent 4 years in the insurance broking industry and 3 years at a Chartered Accountant firm.
He is a passionate golfer and enjoys cricket, tennis and football (still recovering from the Sainter's grand final losses).